how is the price of gps traffic monitoring formed 1440h450 monitoring en

How is the price of GPS traffic monitoring formed?

It is already difficult to surprise anyone with GPS monitoring of transport — cars equipped with online control systems are, perhaps, already of all large companies. And companies with a small fleet of 5-8 cars are not far behind, realizing the potential benefits of installing a monitoring system. Obtaining basic indicators about the current location of cars, their routes, mileage and fuel consumption play a significant role in making managerial decisions and managing fleets, especially if the number of cars exceeds tens and hundreds. And the benefit can be up to 17% of fleet costs per month.

Is it not enough just to install a tracker on a car and not to pay for anything else? Why do I have to pay monthly customer service and what does it include?

Buying and installing a GPS tracker is only half the battle, because the whole point of monitoring is not in a rectangular box, but in obtaining qualitative and quantitative data on an ongoing basis. From this follows a logical conclusion that such services must be paid for.

The monthly payment includes:

  • Payment for the use of licensed software (web version of the personal account and mobile application)
  • Personalization of the solution, reports, and settings (if you need a unique report, this can be done)
  • Permanent consultation of a personal manager
  • Additional service (for example, the manager independently arranges an appointment for a service station to install the system and carry out technical work at a convenient time for you)

There are no many options on the transport monitoring software market: companies either use Wialon or offer clients their own developments (for example, MapOn, Benish GPS, Skyriver, etc. have the software itself). However, the cost of seemingly identical services is significantly different.

How to choose the best option?

  1. Estimate how long the company has been on the market
  2. Ask what clients cooperate with the company in the field of transport monitoring and for how long
  3. Ask for a test account and personally evaluate whether it will be convenient for you to work with the selected software
  4. Compare the package of services that you will receive for a particular amount – compare their volume. Usually, for a higher fee, you get the maximum possible services immediately (for example, there will be no additional payment for each additional report, etc.) – accordingly, there will be a greater benefit from using the monitoring system. Cheaper prices of integrator companies limit the functionality of the system and provide only basic reports. A higher price also implies that, in addition to the minimum number of reports, the client will receive additional services (for example, a personal manager, etc.).

Let’s, for example, compare one of the most expensive and one of the cheapest GPS monitoring services on the market – Benish GPS and TOTAL CONTROL.

What does the client get by installing GPS monitoring of transport from TOTAL CONTROL?

Possibility to choose a service package

There are different tariff packages with a different set of features. The minimum package that allows you to integrate 1 car into the online control system is perhaps the most affordable on the market. The functionality in this case is very limited, there is no possibility to receive reports on events, notifications, assistance of the company manager. This is convenient for customers who only need to know the current location, mileage, and periodically view the event log of their only car, without the need to store an archive of data.

If the client needs reporting, notifications, etc., then it is necessary to choose a more expensive package, where the capabilities of the functions are expanded. The cost of service increases in proportion to the volume of services and reports received by the client. The maximum package includes all possible reports.

Possibility to connect the “virtual dispatcher” service

The service of a personal manager provides for: building various analytical reports and sending them to the client’s e-mail, analyzing fuel drains for reliability, applying the client’s geo / agricultural zones, checking all client objects for operability, informing the client about equipment failure.

Activation of the service doubles the cost of the tariff plan.

What does the client get while installing the Benish GPS monitoring system?

The client service cost of vehicle monitoring in Benish GPS is high, but it is fully justified. In addition, many customers initially chose an integrator with a lower cost of service, after a while they switched to Benish due to the expanded scope of services and the benefits they receive.


The Benish GPS team has 75 professionals, including a 24/7 call center, while many integrators have a staff of 3-10 people. This allows to fulfill all technical requests from customers as quickly and efficiently as possible, namely: within an hour to organize service or repair work on the basis of the own service center or official and authorized car dealers, personalize software and reports, quickly respond to other possible threats.

Extended list of features and reports

Software of the client’s choice – you can use both Wialon and the own development BeM2M and get the maximum possible functionality for a single price.

Personal manager

By concluding a contract with Benish GPS, each client is assigned a personal manager. He accompanies and helps in solving any problems during the entire service period.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that in this case the client pays for a comprehensive turnkey service, for guarantees of prompt resolution of problems and for the absence of unnecessary headaches when any questions arise.

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