Benish GPS presented a new revolutionary line of satellite security systems for vehicles
The new line consists of two configurations, the first of which is Benish GUARD Force – a new generation of satellite complex with anti-jamming function. The second is Benish GUARD Force Light – a satellite security system with smart control of car functions.
Now if cars are equipped with Benish GUARD Force satellite security system, they are not afraid of «fishing rods», code grabbers, «jammers» or even the infamous among car owners «tetris».
The company is confident in the reliability of the system and has created a Financial Guarantee Fund – UAH 3 000 000. If the car with Benish GUARD Force is stolen, the company will pay compensation.
During the online presentation of new products, the company named the TOP 8 advantages of Benish GUARD Force that make it currently attractive in the market of satellite security systems:
1) Anti-jamming technology GUARD Blocker, which makes it impossible to block or intercept security communication links.
2) 8 levels of protection against carjacking
3) Control of communication with the system every second
4) Immunity to «jammers», «fishing rods», code grabbers. Today it is the only one system in Ukraine that counteracts jamming.
5) Car functions control from the phone:
- • turn on interior heating
- • start the engine to recharge the battery
- • open or close the doors
- • put or remove from the “Service” mode, etc.
All these functions are possible with Benish GUARD Force if the technical parameters of the car allow.
6) New generation contactless Bluetooth driver cards included
7) Support on the road 24/7, own Dispatch center, National Police and 600+ mobile response teams
8) And a bonus! No customer service fees for the first 12 months.
As Artem Botsvin, Benish GPS commercial director, noted: “We have conducted a study and we can say with confidence that today this product has no analogues in the Ukrainian car safety market either in terms of equipment quality or price. Separately, it is also worth noting a mobile application for installers, which makes it possible to customize settings individually for the user. ”
The cost of the satellite security system Benish GUARD Force is also very loyal and is only – 799$, and Benish GUARD Force Light – 499 $.
To learn more about Benish GUARD Force please call +380 44 49 44 999 and website.