BeniLock service (1 month)

Monthly subscription fee (BeniLock)

Satellite monitoring and cellular communication allow you to monitor every action that is associated with BeniLock.

What does the monthly service provide?

Round-the-clock connection with the system
Sending GPS coordinates
Registration of time of opening / closing of the lock
SMS messages about charge reduction
Emergency notification of unauthorized actions
Geozone crossing control

View information is available from any electronic device.

Satellite monitoring and cellular communication allow you to monitor every action that is associated with BeniLock.

What does the monthly service provide?

Round-the-clock connection with the system
Sending GPS coordinates
Registration of time of opening / closing of the lock
SMS messages about charge reduction
Emergency notification of unauthorized actions
Geozone crossing control

View information is available from any electronic device.

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Nonna Ryja
Our partnership with Benish GPS will allow us to work together to make car insurance services more accessible and comfortable for customers. You can be sure of the safety and safety of your own car!
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