CarSafety subscription

For the first time on the car protection market! We are launching the “CarSafety subscription” service.
There is no need to buy any equipment! Pay only the subscription fee.
Have you repeatedly thought of purchasing a satellite system so that you can leave your car in the parking lot without worrying? But the high cost of equipment + subscription fee made you postpone the decision until better times?
Stop procrastinating! Now there is an opportunity to install car protection without buying a system – it’s a chance to test the service without financial investments:
- Benish equipment – FREE*
- For everyone who joins now the subscription fee is about 0,57 ¢/day. That’s less than the cost of a daily cup of coffee. When paying immediately for 1 year – USD 207.
Subscribe for service and get Benish satellite system for free use!
You can install the system at the Benis GPS Service Center in Kyiv. The cost of installation on any car is fixed at the level USD 133.
Are you ready to subscribe? Call: +380(44) 49 44 999
*means a purchase for UAH 1.20.
We have prepared useful instructions for you about the satellite security system. How to join Benish GUARD , how to use the system and the mobile app—this and much more you will learn from the «“Useful documents”»
If you still have questions, the answers to them can be found in the FAQ section. FAQ section.
- Warranty — 1 year
- Possibility of additional equipment — no
- Driver Cards mark support—no